Unmatched Performance
Safest insulation. Period
Keeps your AC in or the cold out better than any other solution
- Adds fire-resistance to your home with our proprietary BurnBarrier™ technology
- Unmatched R-Value per square inch of any non-petroleum based insulation system
- STOP air leakage in its tracks
- Reduces heat loss and heat gain
- Reduces amount of energy needed to heat or cool
- ENERGY STAR compliant
- Pays for itself in an average of only 4 years from energy savings, some applications pay for themselves in UNDER 1 year!
Environmental Impact
"Cellulose insulation should be a preferred insulation material for (the) environmentally concerned." - Environmental Bldg. News
- Applegate Cellulose Insulation contains up to 85% recycled paper, and can be up to 50% more effective than other insulations! It's green from start to finish!
- Manufacturing fiberglass for a home consumes six times more energy than manufacturing Cellulose to insulate the same home to the same R-value.
- Emissions: There are virtually zero emissions while manufacturing Cellulose Insulation
Lower Utility Bills

Pays for itself
in an average of only 4 years from energy savings
- Some installations see a full payback WITHIN 1 year!
- Reduces heat loss and heat gain
- Reduces amount of energy needed to heat or cool
- Increase the life of your HVAC system
- Comfort you can feel
- Comfort you can hear
- Comfort you can enjoy